The pelletizing and lime technology based on using burning technology of the low heat value blast furnace gas and the grate-kiln process is on the leading place in China. 公司依靠独创的低热值高炉煤气培烧技术,采用链篦机-回转窑-环冷机工艺设计开发的冶金球团、白灰生产技术,属国内领先水平。
The Research of Extracting Alumina from Fly Ash by Lime Autoclave-Low Temperature Calcining and Coal Powder-Lime Burning Process 石灰蒸压低温煅烧法与煤粉石灰直接燃烧法提取粉煤灰中氧化铝的实验研究
She taught her students something like lime could be obtained by burning limestone. 她教学生一些东西,像什么石灰可以通过焚烧石灰石来获取。
The inprovement of the top of shaft kiln for metallurgical lime by gas burning 气烧冶金石灰竖窑炉顶结构的改进
Analysis of technological improvement for DOUBLE-HEARTH lime burning kiln in CIS 广钢双膛石灰窑技术改造分析